This program provides researchers with seed grants to support pilot research projects in topics relevant to women’s health. Priority is given to preliminary projects with the potential for substantial impact on the career development of junior faculty.
FOCUS invites applications from Perelman School of Medicine faculty for intramural Junior Faculty Investigator Awards of $20,000 each to conduct clinical, basic science or public health research in women’s health.
WHO CAN APPLY: Eligible persons include men and women who are assistant professors in any of the four full-time faculty tracks, or instructors (excluding instructors who are currently fellows).
PURPOSE: The objective of this program is to enable researchers to conduct pilot research in women's health, including sex and/or gender-disaggregated analysis of existing research projects, which can serve as a springboard for further research, publications, collaborations and larger grant proposals.
The award supports direct costs of research including data acquisition, laboratory tests, technical assistance, salary, survey costs or computer time. No indirect costs may be taken from this award.
IRB approval is not required prior to submission but must be obtained
prior to the start date for the use of funds.
Importance and relevance of the research topic to women’s health
Study design, methodology and data collection
Logistics and feasibility
Potential for impact on investigator’s career including publication
and subsequent grant funding
FORMAT: Applications must include all of the following:
Cover page that includes: project title, investigator's full name, academic degree(s), academic rank, department, division and contact information (work and mobile phone #s and email). Also include name and contact information of investigator’s primary research mentor(s)
Abstract (250 words)
Research proposal (2 - 5 pages)
Specific aims, background, methods, statistical analysis/sample size and timeline that includes IRB submission process (page limit excludes references which may be listed separately)
Project budget and budget justification (1 page)
Applicants should request the full amount of the award. Submissions with a total that exceeds the maximum award amount will not be considered. Indirect costs are not allowed.
Description of current research support
Investigator's curriculum vitae
DEADLINE: FOCUS is not accepting applications at this time
QUESTIONS: For any questions, please contact Hillary Bogner or Susan Primavera
Please note that the amount and parameters of subsequent cycles of the JFI Award may change.